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Bridge of Life Church Assembly of God

Mar 25, 2018

Palm Sunday marks the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. His entry marked the fulfillment of messianic prophecy which awakened the hope of the people. We still cry out Hosanna knowing that our savior has come.

Mar 18, 2018

God is a God of second chances. Unlike man, God’s emotion are always purposeful and never out of control. The emotional turbulence we feel can cause us to lose focus of our purpose and mission. Yet God’s patience towards us is unrelenting.

Mar 11, 2018

God speaks to us in many way throughout our lives. Responding to His voice can sometimes create emotional turbulence in our lives. Yet, he is unrelenting in demonstrating His grace.

Mar 4, 2018

Our relationship with God often turns turbulent when we think we have a better perspective than God on culture and people. Jonah’s journey to fulfill the call of God to reach Nineveh displays the often turbulent emotions we face when we go the opposite direction. Yet God’s response displays the loving and gracious...